Multicurrency Mercantilism

Photo image of Ben Franklin on newly updated $100 bill featuring the Global Multicurrency Mercantilism moniker.

Multicurrency Mercantilism is a concept that involves the use of multiple currencies in international trade and economic strategies, often influenced by the principles of mercantilism. To understand the concept of “multicurrency mercantilism“, it’s helpful to break it down into its two components: multicurrency practices and mercantilism. The following article presents the facts as we know them today on both multicurrency practices and mercantilism which when combined give us Multicurrency Mercantilism.

Multicurrency Practices: In a global economy, businesses and governments engage in transactions involving different currencies. This is essential due to the varying values and stability of currencies across countries. Multicurrency practices involve managing these different currencies in international trade, investments, and economic policies. Key aspects include currency exchange rates, currency risk management, and the use of foreign exchange markets.

Mercantilism: This is an economic theory and practice dominant in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century, emphasizing that the wealth of a nation is increased through a positive balance of trade with other nations. It advocates for a high level of exports and low level of imports, often achieved through protectionist policies like tariffs and quotas. The goal is to accumulate monetary reserves through a trade surplus.

When these two concepts intersect in Multicurrency Mercantilism, it involves:

Trade Policies: Countries may manipulate their currency values to gain a trade advantage. A weaker currency can make exports cheaper and more competitive in the global market, potentially leading to a trade surplus, which is in line with mercantilist goals.

Currency Reserves: Accumulating reserves in various currencies can be a strategy to stabilize a country’s own currency, manage trade relationships, and prepare for economic uncertainties.

Economic Strategy: Multicurrency mercantilism can be part of a broader economic strategy where countries engage in complex financial maneuvers, including currency swaps, to bolster their economic standing.

Global Impact: Such practices can have significant impacts on global trade dynamics, potentially leading to currency wars (where countries competitively devalue their currency) and impacting global economic stability.

Understanding and navigating multicurrency mercantilism requires a deep knowledge of international finance, economic policies, and geopolitical dynamics. It’s a complex field that plays a crucial role in shaping global trade and economic relations.

Consider Fixing Education

Photo of game play.

Fix education or spend more on military and arm yourselves.

Ask Ukrainians if they prefer public school or military training. After fighting their entire lives ask if they want to shorten or elongate the war. The process of winning a long war against 200k Russian soldiers continues. Ukraine, with 40+million civilians would likely win. But are they educated enough to get out of this now protracted war.

What happens when you push a bear into a corner? Does your education tell you that you get peace or bombs. So many smart people running around talking economic whatever when the only discussion is crypto’s relationship to nuclear warheads.

Cryptophobes do not make good negotiators or military strategist. It’s like asking the state of Hawaii to manage your hemp industry. No one wins, ever. Right now would be a good time to have more high school graduates.

On Facebook and Twitter, Oleksii Reznikov offered 5 million Russian rubles and full amnesty to soldiers if they, “put down their guns and voluntarily surrender to prison.”

The system of sending your kids into a bad education system so you can pay for life ie; having kids is not working. And that right there is the reason we print money instead of earning it in america -confusion among voters. As the world’s largest energy exporter americans should vote for people who will completely destroy the department of education and build the world’s best education system. Save nothing. Learn to thrive.